Wednesday 16 December 2009

Ink drawings

Again, it's been awhile since I last posted anything here - that's because I'm soo busy!! Honest! However, I have made small efforts to do a bit of drawing, and over the last couple of weeks, I have been drawing images from Lee Hammond's 'Lifelike Drawing', which is like a drawing bible to me.

Needless to say, my drawings look shite compared to Lee's originals. Also I chose to do them in ink, rather than in pencil - if you saw Lee's drawings you would instantly notice the lack of blending in my drawings.

You will probably also notice that my drawings are completely out of proportion - that's because I was too lazy to use Lee's grid drawing technique - naughty naughty!

Nevertheless, I found it quite therapeutic to just sit there and draw, without particularly concentrating or thinking about anything as such.

So the above images were my best of a bad bunch crafty moves...