Wednesday 16 December 2009

Ink drawings

Again, it's been awhile since I last posted anything here - that's because I'm soo busy!! Honest! However, I have made small efforts to do a bit of drawing, and over the last couple of weeks, I have been drawing images from Lee Hammond's 'Lifelike Drawing', which is like a drawing bible to me.

Needless to say, my drawings look shite compared to Lee's originals. Also I chose to do them in ink, rather than in pencil - if you saw Lee's drawings you would instantly notice the lack of blending in my drawings.

You will probably also notice that my drawings are completely out of proportion - that's because I was too lazy to use Lee's grid drawing technique - naughty naughty!

Nevertheless, I found it quite therapeutic to just sit there and draw, without particularly concentrating or thinking about anything as such.

So the above images were my best of a bad bunch crafty moves...

Friday 27 November 2009


I often like to have a candlelit room as it helps me relax in the evening. Tonight was no exception, but I thought the arrangement of the contrast of light and shadows was worth taking photos of.

Been a true 'professional' I started to experiment with the camera function on my mobile to see what kind of effects I'd get.

I find the black&white effect in the above photo quite striking, almost like a negative of a photo.

I can't decide which of the two photos (the one above and one below) I prefer: I also can't remember which one was sepia, or which one was antique effect.

To be honest, they're really not that different from each other - but I like both of them anyway.

Finally I took a photo, using the negative effect, with the above result: again a very interesting contrast in light/darkness, particularly the light reflections on the chest of drawers these tealights were assembled on.
And that was my 'crafty' move for the day.....

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Another knitting needle holder.....

Yep, I lony went and made another - this time for my work colleague, who knows
a hell of a lot more about knitting than I do.....

This time, I got 2 different tea towels and sewed them together round the edges, before sweing the different sections.

My colleague was well chuffed when she received it, as she was just thinking of buying hersedlf one....
Guess I saved her a few bob.....

Sunday 8 November 2009

Knitting needle holder

I was inspired by this idea after seeing a picture of a knitting needle holder in the 'Hobbycraft' magazine. As it looked so simple yet ingenius, I thought I'd give it a go, using the sewing machine I have finally mastered (long story covered in my other blog).

I have basically taken a tea towel, folded it lengthways to the appropriate lenght i.e. so that my longest needles will fit, sewed the 2 ends along where the towel was folded, then made 1 inch wide compartments by sewing in the same direction - to keep needles seperate.

Et voila!!

Even the cat was impressed, though personally I think she would prefer to use it as a scratching post....

Only thing I need to do now to finish this project is find a nice pretty ribbon to sew on one end so that I can tie the knitting needle holder once it's rolled up to prevent it coming apart.
Whether I actually get round to using these needles, which I inherited from my granny (bless her), is another question...