Sunday 8 November 2009

Knitting needle holder

I was inspired by this idea after seeing a picture of a knitting needle holder in the 'Hobbycraft' magazine. As it looked so simple yet ingenius, I thought I'd give it a go, using the sewing machine I have finally mastered (long story covered in my other blog).

I have basically taken a tea towel, folded it lengthways to the appropriate lenght i.e. so that my longest needles will fit, sewed the 2 ends along where the towel was folded, then made 1 inch wide compartments by sewing in the same direction - to keep needles seperate.

Et voila!!

Even the cat was impressed, though personally I think she would prefer to use it as a scratching post....

Only thing I need to do now to finish this project is find a nice pretty ribbon to sew on one end so that I can tie the knitting needle holder once it's rolled up to prevent it coming apart.
Whether I actually get round to using these needles, which I inherited from my granny (bless her), is another question...

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