Friday 1 January 2010

Kirigami: My new love

Just before the xmas break, I once popped into an arts&craft store (I pop into this store, probably more often than is considered healthy).

As I browsed the store one shelf caught my eye, as it is was stacked with desktop calenders, all craft related. Being a selfish brat that I am, I just had to have one, and proceeded to take years deciding which one I should purchase - I even considered buying more than one!!

In the end I opted for the one, that would be the least time consuming, simple and yet so effective - Kirigami, an ancient Japanese art form.

The above image is 1st January, a pretty snowflake that took less than 5 mins to produce.

I have no intention of taking a picture of every single one I cut out and uploading here, as that would be ridiculous, but I will from time to time upload the designs I particularly like.

Who knows? I may even gain the confidence to create my own designs.....

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