Sunday 3 January 2010

My first card...and more Kirigami

I must say, I've been a right crafty little bugger this evening. I made my first card, even designed it myself.

Although I admit it's not exactly the most professional looking handmade card in the world, the photo taken on my crappy camera phone does not do it any justice - you can't even see the little stamps in the 4 corners which read 'It's Your Day'...

Oh well at least I had fun making it.

I know I said I wouldn't take a picture of every single kirigami design I cut out, but I really liked this one - has a really ancient symbol feel to it....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daisymoo.
    I love the cards your making. I do quite a lot of craft stuff myself, which includes card making, ragrugs, knitting and therefore it is nice to see someone else having a go. Keep up the good work.
